Thursday, August 16, 2012

No weight loss

No weight loss for me these past few months.

I am not trying and I know it. Just when I decide I am going to do something and begin to exercise something crazy comes up. Like I get sick. I need to get off my butt and start moving. Maybe if I start exercising in the morning I will be able to sleep at night. Here's to hoping.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I am so super frustrated. Have I gone below 225? No of course not. I need some help and motivation.
I take that back I need a supportive husband who doesn't complain about eating healthy food because it is "tasteless" and he can't get full on it. I would love to be like my husband and eat whatever I want when ever I want and not get fat. He can drink a 12 pack of beer every day, a gallon of sweet tea and eat about 2500 calories and he has gained a total of 20 pounds in 12 years. Did I mention that he is over 6' and is still in a healthy weight range. He does need to stop drinking so much. He has a beer belly and I have told him that his beer belly is just his liver enlarged but he doesn't believe me. 

I want to be at a healthy weight but I don't want to give up the things that I love. I am going to send a video in to "The Biggest Loser" and hopefully I get cast. Maybe if I am away from all of the craziness that is my home and the negativeness that is my husband then I may just lose the weight. I need to be away from all of my distractions. I need to get healthy not only for me but for my children as well. 

Serenity, my 9 year old daughter, is an extremely active little girl. Gymnastics 3 hours a week as well as out door play almost every day: and now that it is summer she will swim for hours every day, I haven't figured out why she weighs 95 pounds. She is 4'9", a very tall girl for her age but she is still over weight. I suspect the fact that she spends a lot of time at her grandparents house and they could care less about the amount of calories in things and how many sweets the kids eat. Therefore she gains weight. If I even mention limiting their sweets I get yelled at by my parents. They are like "it isn't like they do it all the time." They do. Hopefully this summer she will slim down a bit. She will be more active and not at the grandparents as much. Due to Gymnastics camps.

As for me, I am very impatiently waiting on the website for casting for "The Biggest Loser" since I will be picking my daughter up from camp the day they are holding casting in my area......

Until next time......

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

That is what the scale read yesterday morning. I was so excited. That meant I was officially down 13 pounds from where I originally started. I was either wrong. The scale was off somehow or my body retains water extremely well when drinking soda. See I hadn't had any soda for about a day and a half when I weighed myself and saw that wonderful number. Yesterday I was stressed because my car broke down, so I went for a walk. Right down to the local convenience store and bought me four 16 ounce bottles of Pepsi! I didn't drink them all. About 2 and a half yesterday and one this morning. I weighed myself this morning just to see if maybe I was dreaming when I read the scale yesterday. I must have been because it read 228.4. That is almost 4 1/2 pounds from yesterday to today. I know our bodies fluctuate by like 3 pounds on a daily basis. But this is ridiculous. So I am trying something out. I am not drinking any more soda for the rest of the day today and not drinking any tomorrow to see if it is really my body retaining water or if it was just a fluke!!!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I would like to Thank a dear friend for helping me with my energy issues. She suggested I go to the Doctor and ask about Adpex. It is great. I have all this energy and motivation and no slump mid day. Have been at the Doctor and CVS all morning with my daughter; that usually drains me. Not today. I came home, did two loads of laundry got my kitchen almost completely clean and am working my way through the house. I should be done with every room in my house except the office, which I will tackle tomorrow by the time my kids get home from school in an hour.  My husband is going to love me tonight!!!!!

Well no weight change still. need to do something different. I think with this new pill, I will see dramatic results really fast because I will not need the soda and will have so much more energy for working out.....

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Long Slow Road to becoming healthy and thin...

This roller coaster ride has taken me for a ride. Since my last post I have lost 5 pounds. Not a lot in a month. Not ridiculously small amount but not the amount I would have liked.

I have figured out how to maintain a good weight loss once I have achieved it. Now I need to begin losing more quickly. I am starting an exercise program today and for the next 12 weeks I am going to be working out rigorously. I will be down at least one pants size by the time that my dad has the pool ready for the kids to swim in. By the end of the summer i will feel 100% more comfortable wearing a swim suit in public. 

Besides wanting to feel comfortable in my swim suit, I also want to feel appropriate at a job interview. I  got a call for a job interview at this great clothing store. They mainly sell blue jeans and shirts but there really isn't anything in my size at this store. I want to be able to wear the clothes in the store that I am employed at.

The Pics I posted today are of me today all 225 pounds of me. I want to be down further by now but I know that it is a long slow journey down this road to a healthy body and body image. I think that I may always feel that I am fat even when I am not. I will need to work through that in my own time. I am a fighter and I will accomplish everything that I want.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In the beginning.....I was fat

My weight loss journey began almost 12 years ago after my first child was born. It has been a roller coaster ride for 11 1/2 years. I have tried everything, and I always wound up gaining the weight back just as quickly as I shed it. I am tired of being sick and tired so I have decided to finally do something about it once and for all.
                Yup! This is me. All 230 LBS. No I am not happy nor proud to announce that!
      I feel I need to put this out for the entire world to see in order to keep my self accountable.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Recently I have found that I like circuit training much more than I like cardio of any kind. I have tried all kinds of exercise from extreme plyometric cardio circuits to Latin dance.... Yes I do enjoy doing those kind of exercises; however, I am much more consistent when I do the circuit training than I am with cardio.

I weighed myself yesterday and am officially down 11 pounds.
Whoo Hoo way to go me right! Wrong I figured out that I am self sabotaging yesterday. I found out I had lost that much weight and proceeded to eat as much junk as I could yesterday. Not at one sitting but still way more than I needed to eat. I have yest to figure out why I do that but for now the fact that I have figured out that I do that is HUGE! Now that I know that I am doing this to myself I can figure out why I do that. Am I insecure whit having a great new body, do I feel that losing weight means that everything in my life will change? Only one way to find out.
Join me on this journey to see where it takes me and see what happens along the way!